30 Juil 2008 Guinness naked viral (spoof)
Une publicité (spoof) virale faisant la promotion de la Guinness. Je vous suggère de faire vite pour la visionner, elle risque de disparaître de Youtube dans quelques heures.
Avis aux femmes, cette pub n’est vraiment pas ciblée pour vous.
Réaction intéressante de Guinness: Diageo is being forced to distance itself from a suggestive spoof Guinness ad that has received several hundred hits on YouTube. The ad features a bottle on the lower back of a woman rocking back and forth. Hands reach from all around her to grab the drink.
The video seems to suggest an orgy and ends with the tagline: “Share one with a friend. Or two.”
A Diageo spokeswoman says that the Guinness brand is not “associated” with the viral campaign on the social networking site and it is urging YouTube to take it down.
A statement says: “Please be assured that Guinness is in no way associated with this video and has approached YouTube to have it removed. We are proud of our brands and our commitment to responsible marketing, and this is not how we want our brand to be portrayed. We have made this clear in a statement on the video’s site, and the producer of the video has also now made it clear that the material is not associated with Guinness.”
The last campaign for Guinness, created by Abbott Mead Vickers.BBDO, was a press campaign earlier this year to push the drink ahead of the start of the sporting summer. The strapline, “You can almost taste it”, drew connections between a pint of Guinness and natural scenery, including the ocean.