10 Nov 2007 Introducing Quantcast Internet Ratings
Quantcast Internet Ratings est un outil que je viens tout juste de découvrir. Je prendrai les prochains jours pour l’analyser, mais d’ici là je tenais à vous le partager.
Comme il est samedi 8am, j’ai pas la tête à vous traduire le tout. En gros, ça vous permet de mesurer les visites et estimer les données socio-démo. Voici
J’aimerais bien que certains de mes lecteurs-éditeurs tentent le coup. Limite du système en ce moment, ça ne mesure que les visiteurs U.S. pour le moment.
Make Your Audience Count
It can be hard to clearly articulate your value to advertisers, and even expensive third-party audience research can underestimate audience size. Our Quantified Publisher program can help.
Free, Accurate Ratings
We likely already publish estimates for your site. Our estimates are good, but because of the inherent limitations of panels they may still not be perfect.
For the first time, you can let the truth be known. Widely. For free. Quantify your site and improve the accuracy of your profile via direct traffic measurement. Advertisers will know your audience based on facts rather than on estimates and rumors.
Take Control
Your Quantcast site profile can help you communicate effectively with advertisers, and Quantifying will let you control it. As a Quantified publisher you have access to a profile configuration page, where you can choose which elements your profile shows.
How It Works
Quantifying your site is easy. Sign up for free, go to My Sites, enter your domain name and paste your personalized javascript tag into each of your site’s pages. We’ll start measuring your traffic immediately, and within a few days you’ll see new traffic statistics in your profile. Get started now…