04 Mar 2010 See what a chlamydia looks like (part 1)
Have you ever wondered what a Chlamydia looks like? Curiosity. That is the base of the campaign orchestrated for the Ministry of Health by Cartier Communication and their media partners: Vizéum and Espresso Media.
Under the theme ‘Quite often, there is nothing to see’ efforts include posters, bus shelters, Internet, stands in several colleges, as well as tactical and viral events. Based on statistics such as ‘nine people out of 10 don’t know that they have an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)’ the campaign wants to remind youth that ‘because you look safe’ is not a valuable argument for not using a condom.
Some of you probably saw or heard of the first part of the web execution. Infopresse wrote an article on the subject last week. That’s without counting the lump of press coverage in different news & information mediums…in other words the campaign is generating a lot of chatter.
The first execution is a video that is circulating on You Tube and various social media sites. The video stars an irregular operation ‘Chlamydia on the menu’, an opera-theatre piece created and presented just before Valentine’s Day throughout eight CEGEPs in the province of Quebec. At the peak of lunch time, in the cafeteria, what seems to be the beginning of a couples fight regarding a STD becomes an entertaining musical comedy.
The viral scattering of this video just started and has already generated over 11 000 views on You Tube so far. The video segment was also integrated in the content portion of several popular sites such as: 33mag.ca, Bombe.tv, Ckoi.com, Cinoche.com, Hhqc.com, Hollywoodpq.com, Musiqueplus.com, Nightlifemagazine.ca, and the most recent network Pimento Olive Média.
Espresso Media handled the online portion of this campaign. To reach this highly coveted target (15-24 year olds), we needed to be creative in order to surprise them and captivate their attention.
We strongly believed that a standard ad banner would not efficiently reach the heart and interests of the target. Actually, we think that one is very disconnected from today’s reality if they believe that a simple bigbox campaign on sites such as musiqueplus.com is efficient to reach the target.
In order to entertain the target, we planned a campaign that we are proud to be associated to. The campaign that was based on:
– Innovation in the choice of ad formats, bet on the ‘newness’ factor
– Creation of a new and impactful ad format, little or not yet exploited so far
– Investment in interactive and engaging ad pieces
– Favour video utilization
The reactions are numerous in news & information media and daily talk TV shows. Here is one of the most recent reactions on LCN en Direct with Jean-Luc Mongrain.