Voici le meilleur de ce blogue du mois de novembre 2009, les billets qui ont suscité le plus d’intérêt chez les lecteurs. Espresso Interactif devient Espresso Média Le président de l’agence Espresso Média, Yannick Manuri, a le plaisir d’annoncer aujourd’hui que son agence offre désormais à...

imageTechnology is evolving so fast, it is hard for some to keep up with! I can think a ton of opportunities when I imagine the possibilities technology can offer: Custom content, targeted advertising, media creativity, consumer engagement…and many more! And when I say new technologies, I don’t only mean the web, but also mobile phones, kindles, iPods, etc. Unfortunately, some people see new technologies solely as a threat…  I don’t mean to point any fingers, but I think newspapers need to further review their business models and reflect on the opportunities technology can bring to them. First of all, as a planner, I remember having to challenge papers simply to buy anything that wasn’t square or rectangular! Hard negotiations, heavy premiums, ‘Church vs state’ lectures and many many hours were put behind ‘creativity projects’. And still today, I feel that creativity in print is way behind other mediums…

clip_image001As you probably heard last weekend, Tiger Woods was involved in a minor car crash last week. Because he is a public figure, many rumors have been circulating stipulating on the circumstances of the event. Was he cheating on his wife? Was his wife furiously violent with a golf club? Will there be criminal charges? Etc. M. Woods has requested privacy and respect from the public towards himself and his family. All of the above is understandable for ordinary people…but not for Tiger Woods. When Nike pays millions of dollars per year for his endorsement, to what extent do his actions become a public affair? His career and athletic talent is at the source of the public’s interest. However, the public has grown fond and envious of his success.  It is only in human’s nature to be curious when an event like last week’s happens to some so popular.

This is another official update to the original "Shift Happens" video. This completely new Fall 2009 version includes facts and stats focusing on the changing media landscape, including convergence and technology, and was developed in partnership with The Economist. ...

Voici une nouvelle fascinante partagée par un lecteur. La réalité augmentée est une innovation technologique émergente qui consiste à superposer des éléments virtuels à des éléments réels.

Son avantage? : La réalité augmentée vous permet de voir sous forme de texte ou d'images en temps réel ce que vous ne pouvez voir a l'oeil nu. Les outils les plus pratiques pour expérimenter cette technologie sont les téléphones intelligents (Smartphones) : Iphone et Blackberry

Je vous partage un billet très intéressant provenant du blogue de ma consoeur Marie-Hélène Trépanier de chez Cartier Communication.

Il s’agit d’une analyse des tactiques de recrutement web auprès des jeunes adultes pour s’engager dans l’armée.

Et pour ceux d’entre vous qui n’ont pas lu le billet au sujet des tactiques de recrutement web de l’Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, je vous invite aussi à lire cet autre billet.